We had a user write in and request that we show some drills that would help with attacking the ball in the air. We put together a video of six soccer drills you can do to work on your headers and to develop both your power and accuracy.
When you head the ball, keep your shoulders parallel with your target. This is because when you bring your head and shoulders back in your wind-up, and then forward as you strike the ball, you have the biggest possible range of motion and therefore, you can head the ball with the most power possible. You should try to strike the ball with your upper forehead, not with the top of your head, both to maximize power and avoid injury.
Drill 1
Juggling headers – Juggle the ball over and over again with your head without letting the ball hit the ground.
Drill 2
Juggling headers off the wall – Juggle the ball off your head, against the wall, and off your head again without letting the ball hit the ground
Drill 3
Throw the ball up in the air, then strike it with power at a target with your feet planted. When you strike the ball, plant your feet, lean your shoulders and head back, then bring your shoulders and head forward and strike through the ball towards your target.
Drill 4
Throw the ball up in the air, jump and strike the ball with power at a target. This is basically the same motion as drill number three, but with a jump up in the air. Make sure to keep your eyes on the ball so you can time your jump properly.
Drill 5
Throw the ball off the wall, then strike it with power at a target with your feet planted. This is similar to drill 3, but it forces you to track the ball while it’s in the air and get in a good position to strike it with your head.
Drill 6
Throw the ball off the wall, jump, and strike the ball with power at a target. This is similar to drill 4, but it incorporates all the skills developed in the other drills into one. This drill forces you to track the ball in the air, get in good position to head the ball, jump to the proper height, and hit the ball with proper form to get power behind it. This drill especially helps you develop the ability and aggressiveness to attack the ball in the air.
So – did you find these drills useful? Let me know in the comments below! Also, if you would like me to do some drills for a certain soccer skill, leave a comment below!
For more free individual soccer drills, visit our free drills section.
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