Sole Rolls is a great soccer drill to help players develop their dribbling and ball control. Specifically, sole rolls targets your skills with the sole (or the bottom) of your feet. In addition, because you have to control the ball with the bottom of one foot, you have to keep all of your weight on your other foot. Because of this, this drill is great for working on your balance as well.

This week, I want to talk about 3 variations of the sole roll.

The first variation is the outside to inside sole roll.

In this variation, you use the sole of your foot to move the soccer ball from the outside of your body to the inside of your body, then back to the outside of your body again. For this variation, you only use one foot.

Soccer Sole Roll Single Foot Variation ImageSingle Foot Soccer Sole Roll Thumbnail

The second variation is the Cross Body Sole Roll.

For this variation, you’re going to roll the soccer ball across your body using the soles of your feet. Use your right foot to roll the ball across your body from right to left. Use your left foot and roll the ball back across your body from left to right. Keep alternating feet from left to right.

Soccer Sole Roll Cross Body Variation Image 1Soccer Sole Roll Cross Body Variation Image 2

The third variation is the inside outside inside sole roll with a foot switch.

Roll the ball across your body with one foot. With the sole of your other foot, catch the ball and roll it across your body, then outside your body, then across your body again. On your second roll across your body, release the ball and catch it with your other foot. Continue alternating feet in an inside, outside, inside pattern.

Soccer Sole Roll Drill Inside Outside Inside VariationSoccer Sole Roll Drill Inside Outside Inside Variation


If you’re looking for some great resources to get you started on your soccer training journey, check out our individual soccer drills page. These drills are all free and are intended to help you grow as a player.

For something a little more in-depth, check out our soccer training guides section. There are both free and paid guides in this section that contain actual soccer workouts that will show you step by step how to become a better soccer player.