Soccer Motivational Image - When you feel like quitting, remember why you started

No matter what your goal is or where you are on your training journey, I can guarantee one thing. At some point, no matter how dedicated you are, you will feel like quitting. It’s natural. Your body has a finite amount of energy, so when you’re really working hard and you start to hit a wall, your body will be whispering to you, “Quit. It’s ok. Do you really want this that bad?”

However, you have a secret weapon in the fight for motivation. You already know what your body is going to do. You know that you’re going to feel like quitting. Since you know this, start building a strategy now while your willpower is strong for how you will react when your willpower is weak.

Your strategy is simple. When you started your training journey, you wanted something bad enough to get off the couch and start training. You wanted to make the team bad enough to start training in advance. You wanted to lose the weight bad enough to change your diet and start exercising. You did this because you knew the reward was worth the pain.

What you need to do now is capture that desire.

You need to keep it for a time when you’re weak, when you’re short on willpower, and you’re having trouble remembering why you thought the pain was worth it.

Capture the desire any way you can. Write yourself a letter describing how great it would be to make the team. Hang a picture of yourself from before you lost any weight on the mirror and write your goal weight on it. Tell you best friend why you want to set a goal to achieve and the rewards you want. Ask them to remind you if it seems like you’re giving up.

This is a really important part of your strategy to achieve your goals.

EVERYONE has weak moments when they want to quit.

Everyone stumbles. The people that succeed are the ones who want it so bad that they pick themselves back up, remind themselves why they’re there, and get back to work.

Don’t let a temporary feeling rob you of your rewards.

When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.

– Justin

If this got you excited and you’re looking for some other soccer motivators, check out our soccer motivation section

If you’re looking for somewhere to start on your training journey, check out the training guides in our soccer training guides section. There are some great resources in there to help you get started, including a couple free soccer training guides.